

 Skin Define

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Skin SDK: The <define> element

Probably the biggest time saver ever brought to the SDK. <define> allows you to specify elements once and use that definition throughout the skin without having to re-write it. Any element can be pre-defined and then used later.

The <define> must be at the beginning of the skin in order for it to be seen and used later on.

Attributes : The attributes of the object your are defining; so for a button these could be action and rightclick for example. Additionally:

  • class : the name of the define, for example small_button or songpos
  • classdeck : optionally specify the deck that this class belongs to, allowing for multiple defines with different attributes for different decks that can then be used as a single object
  • placeholders: See further down on this page.

Children: The children of the object you are defining; so for a button these would be the children of that button - for example <up>, <over>, <text>.


In this example we define a <button> for the left deck. Notice there is no <pos> - you will add this later in the actual element.
<define class="mybutton" classdeck="left">
<size height="45" width="80"/>
<on x="100" y="125"/>
<off x="100" y="170/>
<over x="100" y="215"/>

With this at the beginning of your skin you can then use the following to position this element. Notice that we only add the <pos> and include class="" in the element header.
<button deck="left" class="mybutton" action="loop_in">
<pos x="356" y="542"/>
<text format="Loop In"/>

You can also pre-define the text format for the button text:
<define class="mybutton" classdeck="left">
<size height="45" width="80"/>
<on x="100" y="125"/>
<off x="100" y="170/>
<over x="100" y="215"/>
<text align="center" size="15" color="#FFFFFF" weight="bold"/>

Or a button icon:
<define class="mybutton" classdeck="left">
<size height="45" width="80"/>
<on x="100" y="125"/>
<off x="100" y="170/>
<over x="100" y="215"/>
<icon width="25" height="25" x="1256" y="2154"/>


Placeholders in <define> are basically skin variables that you place in your class define and set them later as you call the class. The placeholder names need to be inside brackets [ ] and in capitals. Simple math can be executed with placeholders if start with * (asterisk) character, otherwise they will be handled as strings.
<define class="button_main" placeholders="width=62,height=30,taction,sysicon,iconsize,tsize=11,tcolor=textoff">
<size width="[WIDTH]" height="[HEIGHT]"/>
<off color="buttonoff" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<over color="buttonover" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<selected color="buttonon" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<down color="buttonon" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<text fontsize="[TSIZE]" weight="bold" color="[TCOLOR]" align="center" action="[TACTION]"/>
<icon sysicon="[SYSICON]" coloroff="[TCOLOR]" width="[ICSIZE]" height="[ICSIZE]" />

<!-- and later call .. -->
<button class="button_main" x="+0" y="+0" width="64" height="35" action="cue_button" taction="cue_button" />
<button class="button_main" x="+75" y="+0" width="64" height="35" sysicon="play_button" icsize="32" action="play_button"/>

Color defines

You can also define your custom colors and later call them in your code.
Syntax : <define color="" value="" deck=""/>

Attributes :
  • color: Provide a name to the color and later use this name to call it. Note that the default pre-defined colors will be overridden if defined, e.g. <define color="red" value="#900000" /> will display a dark red color when called as color="red" in your code, instead of the default red.
  • value: Provide a hex HTML or decimal ARGB value.
  • deck : Optional. Define the deck to which the color define will be used when called. If no deck="" attribute is given, the same color will be used for all decks (global)

See also Pre-defined Colors

<!-- Color Defines -->
<define color="deckcolorbright" value="#1e7b96" deck="1"/>
<define color="deckcolorbright" value="#b73841" deck="2"/>
<define color="deckcolordark" value="#0d5269" deck="1"/>
<define color="deckcolordark" value="#8e1e25" deck="2"/>
<define color="buttonon" value="#156c89" deck="1"/>
<define color="buttonon" value="#ac2f37" deck="2"/>
<define color="textdeck" value="#1e7b96" deck="1"/>
<define color="textdeck" value="#b73841" deck="2"/>
<deck deck="1">
<button action="play_pause">
<pos x="100" y="200"/>
<size height="45" width="80"/>
<off color="deckcolordark"/>
<on color="buttonon"/>
<over color="deckcolorbright"/>
<text align="center" size="15" color="textdeck" weight="bold"/>

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